I was looking through some old photos the other day when I found the perfect example of how to illustrate how bad and good lighting can effect your photos. By that I mean natural light, the sun. The basic rules of shooting in the sun are as follows: Do not shoot in “direct” bright sunlight. […]
Photography for Knitters: Updated

This series is without question one of the most popular on my blog, so I am providing an update! This is part one in a series of post about how to improve your photography skills. The target audience would be knitters who spend a lot of time knitting beautiful things and want to have a […]
How to stage a cute and timeless photoshoot

When knitting for children we all know that chances are one of two things will happen; it will sit in a drawer and never be worn, or it will be worn close to 100 times and start to pill and fray. This makes it that much more important that you take a photograph of it. […]
Photography for Knitters – Part 4 Photographing Yarn
Getting the correct exposure when working in Auto (more accurate color representation) For those of you photographing yarn, all of the same applies from the previous tutorials except your getting more of a product shot and it’s more important to pay direct attention to what you are placing your yarn on. Lots of people use […]
Photography for Knitters – Part 3 Using Natural Light Effectively
A reminder for those working in Auto, to HOLD DOWN THE POP-UP FLASH on your fancy DSLR so the flash doesn’t go off, the camera will automatically adjust the settings to work without the flash, but if you don’t do this it will be very lazy and use the flash which almost always makes for […]