Keep on truckin'

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On average right now I am getting 1,500 downloads per episode during the first month! That's INSANE people. I am shocked by how many people are listening to me! That means I have had over 22,500 downloads total! Wowza! I want to say thanks to you guys for listening and e-mailing me. I loved all the e-mail about what you guys do when listening. Driving, walking and working seem to be the main ones.

If I actually podcast weekly I could easily double my download numbers. Maybe when it gets colder and I am inside a bit more, and this week I am working on cleaning up my fiber room which will get me OUT of the bedroom when I podcast (worse audio in that room anyways). So far I am amazed I haven't used up my banwidth, go Dreamhost!

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I always listen while working...keeps me from falling asleep on the job. :)

I listen while ironing because I HATE ironing but if I have a podcast to listen to, I'll actually get something done!

If you went weekly, I'd be on top of my ironing. So, you know what to do.....

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dreamhost doesn't ever intend any of us to use up the bandwidth. After the last time they upped it, I'm using less than 0.1% of my available space.

I love your podcast - please please go weekly!

LOVED the last podcast! You help my commute fly.

I love your podcasts--I hope you'll be doing more very soon!

Hi. I wanted to tell you about the website I'm trying to get up and going at The hope is that it will become a resource for crafters. Each page is editable by visitors, so we can all contribute out knowledge.

The only section that's really seen any growth is knitting. There's still a long way to go, but it's coming together, I think.

Best wishes,


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This page contains a single entry by Pixie Purls published on November 2, 2006 5:25 PM.

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