Pixie Purls 14 - Men Who Knit

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Episode 14 - Men Who Knit

Knitting Related Links:
Wendy Knits Toe Up Sock
Chart Creator
2006 KAL's
Hallowig KAL
Simple Knitted Bodice KAL
Lime & Violet Podcast - Those crazy girls actually sent me the IM convo for your amusment, hehe!
Flickr Guildlines
Submit a Pattern
Brooklyn Tweed
the Panopticon
Knit Fix Tour

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Other 2 person knitpods are 1) craftborg - all crafts, but mostly knitting talk, and 2)
knitty d and the city

if you like lime & violet, you'll love knitty d & the city... http://www.knittydandthecity.blogspot.com/

i think your interviews of bloggers is a good idea. so what if other people are doing it too? one of the great things about listening to knitblogs is getting different perspectives so i think you should just forge on ahead!

Graet podcast!

I'm a software engineer and I know exactly what you mean about getting along with guys better than girls -- I'm often at a loss as to what to talk to girls about since I'm really not a girly-girl at all. I don't even own makeup! The reason I get along so well with the women in my knitting and spinning groups is that we do have something in common that we can talk about.

BTW, Lime and Violet weren't the first to use the two-person format for a knitting podcast -- that distinction goes to Knitty D and the City at http://www.knittydandthecity.blogspot.com/ . They are actually a lot like Lime and Violet (perhaps a bit less crazy/quirky, but still pretty funny.) Just thought you should know! :o)

Good to hear your new podcast, filled with interesting stuff. Just a minor addition, there are actually two knitting podcasts that have made a two person show, namely "Craftborg" and "Knitty D and the City" that started back in April. And yes, LimenViolet are hilarious at times. Hope your down mood passes soon, but you did not let that shine through, you sounded so cheerful and knitting inspired.

Didn't know about "craftborg", but "Knitty D and the city" are great! Also, Pixie, don't worry so much about the quality of the podcast. It's great. I don't think anyone is really listening to podcasts and expecting professionalism. I compare them to amateur radio. I just enjoy people talking about and giving me new information about my hobby. I love hearing what you're making, and the bits of news you share. Have fun with it and keep up the good work.

The e-mail you received was about the new book from Interweave Press called Kint Fix. Here is the link to the Interweave Press site:


If you want a really beautiful cable hat you can get one from The Girl From Auntie, she designed the Rogue Hoody:


Yes, if you look above in the show notes I already had a link to that site, as it was in the e-mail.

Hi Pixie, I think your show is really informative and interesting to listen to. Don't beat yourself up for any mistakes you made in the last one! It's totally cool. Please keep podcasting as I really enjoy what you do. (What a creep!)

I guess I'm late telling you about Wendy & Christine at Knitty D and the City! I'll have to check out Craftborg, too. I've been hooked on Lime N Violet from the beginning, and while listening to the first podcast I thought....hey, I've heard this story before....and realized that my KSKS Pal was Lime! So I got really attached to the girls from day one. Both LNV and KD&TC make me feel like I'm sitting in someone's living room chatting with the girls. And they make me laugh!

I've been listening to you for a while now as well, and while you don't make me crack up like the others, you're interesting and informative and PLEASE keep going! I need my podcast fixes!

Just FYI, I've moved the Knitalongs site to a new URL (it's a bit easier now!): http://knitalongs.xaviermusketeer.com The old URL will redirect though.

Love the podcast...anxiously awaiting the next episode!

Keep 'yer chin up, chickie! "Funk" slumps suck. I think I've been in one for about 2 years now! :-( They come; they go. For me, I feel much better when, at the end of the day, I finally get to sit down in my special chair in my special room, all alone with my knitting and my iPod and listen to a new episode of PixiePurls! :-)

I miss having my Pixie Podcast fix! I hope you come back soon. Loved the show - it makes my commute so much more fun.

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This page contains a single entry by Pixie Purls published on August 30, 2006 9:52 PM.

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