Pixie Purls 15 - Wake Up!
Episode 15 - Wake Up!
Related Links:
Digital Copyright
Knitting Controversy - Fall Knitty & Suss Yarns
Knitting Controversy - Sarah's Yarns & Tilli Thomas
Cashmere Controversy Update
Blog Spotlight - Darn Knit
Claudia learn to spin!
Knit Paintings
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I usually seam while listening to podcasts. I think if I listened while doing something non-yarn related, I would drop what I was doing and go home and knit.
Posted by: Lauren | October 17, 2006 11:38 PM
AWE - I love to be your life saver ;-) And, I love coming to your house to get spinning lessons and keep you company. YAY - can't wait for next week and we'll be on our way to SAFF!
Posted by: Claudia | October 18, 2006 08:08 AM
Hey - btw - a good trick to get the sleeves finished: knit them together at the same time on a circular needle. Helps me to focus, keeps me on track for all the increases (I make them at the same time and don't get confused) and you finish both sleeves at the same time. - AND YES, I AM RED FROM BLUSHING!!! YOU ROCK AS A SPINNING TEACHER!!! Right back at ya ;-)
Posted by: Claudia | October 18, 2006 08:15 AM
Enjoyed your podcast: listen in the car home fron work. Appreciate you keeping us up to date on the fiber controversies: I have purchased both Cashmerino and Noro Cash Iroha for more than one project for top dollar.
BTW, have not got a wheel yet but am stocking up on spinning books. The Spinner's Companion is a nice compact book from Interweave. Also got Alden Amos and Spin It. All from Overstock.com. Best prices and shipping is sometimes free. Get many fiber books there. I have lost out on 2 used Joys but the Woolery in NC gives $55 worth of merchandise since they can't discount the Ashfords so I may go for a new one. question: single or double treadle??
Posted by: Pamela Mulla | October 18, 2006 06:13 PM
I work (entering data into the computer) while listening to your podcast and others. It has been GREAT and makes my work go so much faster! Just finished listening -- SAFF = Southeastern Animal Fiber Festival. I'll be there, too!! Can hardly wait!!
Posted by: Robin | October 18, 2006 09:09 PM
i love your description of my paintings! thank you so much for all of the kind words and for including my work in your podcast! yay!
good luck with all of your upcoming adventures and congrats for having your man back at home!
Posted by: rania | October 19, 2006 01:17 AM
look at all the feedback - yaay
I usually knit while listening, and I was going to say the thing Claudia said, two sleeves on two circs! lol - I did that on a sweater once, except they were already attached and I should have done them opposite each other instead of exactly the same b/c the decreases go front and back instead of back and back. oh well, no biggie - ttyl
Posted by: April | October 19, 2006 03:03 AM
So glad you're back Pixie, although the show is never long enough for me! I listen to you whenever I feel like it, today I was just driving but I have to concentrate. (I can't knit lace and listen to you at the same time!)
Once when you replied to my e-mail I felt like you did when you got a reply from the Y Harlot - "oh my god, pixie actually e-mailed me - a podcast celebrity!"
I scored some gorgeous shetland handspun from ebay from "kimberley jane spinning fibres" (based in Scotland) - go check it for roving, etc. I couldn't stop smelling it - unbelievable texture and purity.
Posted by: Lizzy | October 19, 2006 09:43 AM
I listen to podcast while I'm walking dogs or taking care of other peoples' pets. :)
Posted by: Janice in GA | October 19, 2006 03:21 PM
Here's my suggestion. Maybe you can knit the sleeves first when you start a new project. This way you can possibly avoid Sleeve Island.
Posted by: Debbie | October 19, 2006 07:59 PM
hi there! so glad that you are back! i listen to your podcast (and other knitting podcasts) in my kitchen while i am cleaning. also, i take one of my sons to speech and occupational therapy twice a week, and i often listen in the waiting room with my knitting.
i am on sleeve island, too...i share your pain. :)
it was fun to hear you mention my blog, when you were reading sknitty's post about the fall knitty. i'd love for you to drop by & say hi! i finished an SKB recently, not completely successfully -- totally my fault, gauge and yarn selection issues. but i blogged about knitting that sweater extensively, and i think i provided some information that would be helpful to other people thinking of knitting this very fun pattern. :)
Posted by: laura | October 20, 2006 09:22 AM
So happy to hear your podcast again!! Especially because I've gotten more interest in spinning since your last podcast! I'm taking a lesson soon...WOOHOO!!
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Andrea | October 21, 2006 09:41 AM
I listen to podcasts at work. I wish I could listen to them while exercising or something, but I have a $2000 ipod... (i.e. MacBookPro) and no ipod!
Also, could you put a link up to the economical-drum-carder you were talking about? I am desperate for one, so that when i go to sheep and wool fests, I can buy raw wool :)
Posted by: Sharah | October 22, 2006 02:50 PM
Another great podcast! I sometimes listen while on the treadmill, when I actually make it to the treadmill. But mostly I like to listen while knitting on the couch. Your lovely voice sort of blocks out the sound of the video game my sweetie is always playing. Love all your segments and when you just talk. I especially like hearing about your spinning exploits. I spin on a spindle on and off and I'm trying to get more regular with it.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the podcast. Keep them coming!!
Posted by: Vicki | October 25, 2006 08:56 PM
Sorry you didn't like your Lenny, but I'm happy you found a wheel you like!
I have sleeve issues too. I knit the damn sleeves first, both at a time if I can. then at least I can get through the sleeves while I still have new project passion.
Posted by: Sherry W | November 2, 2006 05:04 PM
Pixie, this is a great episode tho i've enjoyed them all. Your digital copyright segment was very interesting - please don't suppress your inner geek, it makes me feel right at home!
Posted by: Caro | November 2, 2006 06:48 PM
Hi Pixie - another great podcast! I listen to you while I walk my dog - unfortunately, I live in San Francisco without a yard so I have to hit the streets with my pup twice a day. Hey, if I can't knit while I walk with her I might as well listen to people talking about knitting, right? I haven't started spinning yet, but you are a constant inspiration to keep this on my to-do list, if only there weren't already so many knitting patterns on that list too!
Posted by: Megan | November 3, 2006 08:55 PM